As you can see they are pretty amazing. I hope you like the close up of my hinder. Amy thinks those shots are pretty funny. Anywho, this week we obviously got some snow. We got about 5 inches. It was pretty fun to play in. Here are a few more pics of us in the snow.
I actually had to crop the picture b/c Amy was in her PJs and would probably kill me if I post a picture of her in her jammies. Anyways, Jackson looks very handsome in his new haircut.
In other news, I passed all of my written boards. I found out about that this week. Amy got called to the nursery. Madison passed off all of her piano songs this week and Preston is learning to write the letters in his name. Here are a couple of other pictures of the kids for you.
This is Preston "fixing" our door frame. One of the panels fell off. He thoughtfully took it upon himself to fix it.
This is Madison crawling out from under our bed. She is our little cave rat when we need a food item from under the bed. We keep food storage under there.
PS--I hope you all like the addition of music to the blog. I tried to pick music that wasn't too annoying. Tell me if you like it or not.
So as you can see it is actually pretty cool. It is an organizer for my cell phone and PDA and my GPS runner. It is built so I can put my charger cords up through the back and charge my stuff. I suppose you could call it an organizer but I prefer Man Jewlery Box. So I hope this puts to rest any questions about orientation.
Other things that happened this week. 2008 started. We went to the Benners for a New Years Eve party. It was really fun. Other than that it has been a pretty slow get-back-into-the-flow kind of weeks.
Preston said the funniest thing tonight. We were taking about repentance during our family scripture study and how it "cleans" our spirit. Then we asked the obvious question of what makes our spirits dirty in the first place. Madison came through with "Sins, being mean to others, and being disobedient." Preston thought about it for a minute then looked up and said, "Dust."