Thursday, March 12, 2009

Haunting or Happenstance???

So this story starts last Saturday when I laid down in bed and I heard this strange sound. It sounded like footsteps on our roof. Or maybe someone walking in our attic. Well I just kind of brushed it off and assumed it was probably mice or something. I had seen a couple mice in our garage over the past few month.
So if that wasn't strange enough, 2 days later my treadmill stops working. I just bought the thing a couple weeks ago and then on Monday I went to turn it on and it wouldn't work. Weird.
So this morning at 4:45am we were in bed and we heard a loud pop. It woke both of us up and we wondered what the heck it was. Right after that we heard something that sounded like a "tic tic tic." It sounded like water dripping so we assumed a pipe had broken or something. Well I got up to investigate and when I walked into the bathroom, the glass door on the shower was shattered into a thousand pieces. There was a hole in the middle and it looked like it radiated out from that. It looked like it had been shot. The "tic tic tic" that we heard was the glass as it continued to shatter in different directions. OK now I know we have a ghost. I don't really believe in hauntings and stuff but, it makes you wonder. AnywaysI put on some gloves and removed the rest of the glass. It was very strange. I had never heard of anything like that happening until I got to work this morning and started googling "spontaneously shattering glass."Come to find out that it is actually a fairly common thing with tempered glass. It is usually caused by temperature change. We left our windows open that night but it didn't get that cold.
I will let you guys be the judge. Are we haunted or is it just a coincidence? The world may never know.


Katie said...

That is CRAZY!! I had never even heard of something like that happening..but it actually seemed pretty cool to look at!
BTW, if you haven't already, you might want to bless the house! ;)

The Wynn Family said...

We had a friend that had crazy ghost stories about his new house. It really made me double think the whole possible ghost idea. I still don't believe in them by the way, but good luck with the shower door!

Rachelle said...

Definitely haunted... that is so wierd.

Unknown said...

Ask Robin about hearing footsteps--ha,ha! She heard them at our house while we were out of town. Got in her car and was headed back home when our brother calmed her down. My daughter had a bookcase with glass doors do that a couple of years ago. But there was no "bullet hole!" Yikes--say a blessing, quick! Sleep well!!!

Starley Family said...

What is with all my friends and broken glass. In the last few weeks 2 separate unrelated spontaneous broken side windows on cars, glass showers...
Sorry it must be the 6 degrees of shattering?

The Smith's said...

I am no ghost expert, but it stands to reason that the ghost in question got into the shower with who ever used it last? Showering with a ghost, how erotic! =) No seriously that is very strange, and it sounds like he/she/it owes you for a new tredmill too!

Abs said...

I do believe in ghosts, I do believe in ghosts, I do I do I do I...

Rachel said...

i think they are trying to tell you to get out of their house and move to az where nothing weird like that ever happens. you should listen.