I have always like the look and feel of the Beretta but it didn't come in the caliber I wanted. I was looking to get a .45 caliber but ended up with a 9mm. I chose the gun I wanted over the caliber I wanted. I will eventually get a .45 but at least for the time being I have the gun that I want.

This particular gun has the distinction of being the officially issued sidearm of the US military. The military always used the M1911 (.45 cal) from WWI up through 1987 at which time they switch to this mamma-jamma. Anywho, I went and shot it yesterday for the first time and all I can say is..."sweet chicken."
Well I am glad to see you got your wish! Nice one. Just for the record though, "don't shoot your eye out". Now it has been written, so it is said. Have fun Bryce. We are all so proud of you.
Love Mary, Mom
Looks pretty cool, I guess. When you get the training wheels taken off let me know, and we will get you a big boys gun. No, j/k we need to go shoot again though, it has been way too long. I got the itch myself and soon will add one more to my collection. Hey we all have our vices, right? J
Nice gun. I'm hoping to get a .40 cal pistol soon. Like the po-po in Baltimore say, it doesn't pass through your target and kill innocent people. I think if it's good enough for them, it's good enough for me! I'm jealous of it by the way.
Like we've said before, it would almost be cool if someone broke into your house, just so you could blow some holes into your wall with that thing just to scare the s*^& out of that dood. The gun does look cool, but I prefer the long barrel, just like the Joker in Batman 1.
In True Carter Fashion. Hope you have fun with it.
I'm sorry...but I'm on Amy sides. The look of that gun just scares me with kids in the house.
Congrats Bryce. I must say last time I held a handgun I was 16 and trying to hit the soda cans my dad and brothers had set up for me. I was so unprepared for the kick that it was completely flipped around and pointing at my head by the time the round was done. I know, I know the bullet leaving the barrel is what caused the kick but still I was very afraid I could shoot myself and unless absolutely necessary, refuse to use one. I am a decent shot with a BB gun...
Oh sorry Ames.
Nice. We just got our economic stimulous check from the government, and I have thought about doing my duty to help the fire-arm industry. Last week I shot a racoon from out of my parents peach tree, and it got me excited about guns.
That's way sweet. We need to break it in.
Congratulations Bryce!!!! Although, I think you should have gone for the Red Ryder BB gun. I hear they come with a compass and this thing that tells time....
Btw - Jansen has been wanting to get a handgun for a long time too, do you think your parents could send him some graduation money? Ü
OK Bryce...I'll admit I was reading blogs. I thought they were only for girly stuff but now I know that ain't true. My Dad used to have a Beretta. They are pretty sweet. Sure is nice to feel that cold steel in your hand. Enjoy!
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