“And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the [OBAMA]nation that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.” (Daniel 12:11)
I have heard it all. I have heard so many people say that Obama is going to usher in Armageddon, that we will have a communistic state, and that his rule will be akin to that of Adolph Hitler. I admit that I was severely disappointed at the election results (though not all that surprised) I am not, however, ready to admit that Obama is the anti-Christ. I know that many people reading this will violently disagree with me, but listen to my rationale.
While I think it is funny to read the scripture from Daniel in light of recent political developments (especially when you say Obamanation instead of abomination and when you consider that 1290 days is only 170 days short of 4 years), I don’t think this is the event to which Daniel was referring. I agree that on a large scale we will see the extinction of “daily sacrifice.” Under his administration, the expansion of welfare programs will further erode the will of people to make the “daily sacrifices” that are necessary for their own self sustenance. You will see more and more people becoming dependent on the government. Taxing the rich to give to the poor is not a new concept though. As you look back into the recent history of the United States you realized that it was only 27 years ago that the top earners paid a federal tax of 70%. Reagan dramatically slashed this rate as it was near and dear to his heart. During his career as an actor he only made four movies per year. This was his cut-off because any more would have catapulted him into a higher tax bracket. Is his refusal to work, not an erosion of desire for work? Where is the motivation for work when the fruits of your labors will be taken from you at the point of a gun or the threat of imprisonment? On the other side of the coin why would people get out and work (ie “daily sacrifice”), when doing so would cause them to lose their “government cheese?” Regardless of the side a person finds themselves on, Obama’s tax plan will take away the motivation for daily sacrifice.
Regarding Armageddon: Let’s look back in history a mere 35 years ago. The event I refer to is the Cuban missile crisis. At this time there was widespread fear and anxiety that the end was IMMINENT. Not that the end was near, but that the end was literally going to happen within the next month. It is easy for younger generations to forget what it was like because we weren’t born yet. I think that we need to keep things in perspective of history. We have been down similar roads before. The challenge is not to panic and think that our lot in life is greater than those who have gone before us. The strongest arguments that the end is not yet imminent are the words of the Brethren. We have been assured that the end is not yet. I trust that.
Regarding the communistic state: One of the pillars of communism is the complete control of industry by the state. I have no real arguments against this happening especially considering the government seizure of large shares of financial giants AIG, Freddie Mac, Fannie Mae, and Lehman Brothers; I just don’t see it happening. Call me naïve but this economy is too large for a complete government take over. I just don’t see it. A stronger argument against the supposed communistic state emerging in this country is religion. In a communistic state religion is banned. There are too many people of religion in this country to allow this to happen. I understand that we see this happening on a small scale with “In God we Trust” and “One Nation Under God.” Let’s remember that these were only added to our currency and Pledge of Allegiance respectively in the 1950s. Before these articles were added our country still survived. This is a far cry from the imprisonment faced by pastors and ministers in the failed Soviet Union. Another thing to consider are the immigrants, most of which are Mexican and most of which are Catholic. As the population of this country increases so does the number of Christians. They may not be the most stalwart but they are the reason, in my opinion, that Prop 8 passed in California. The Catholic Church adamantly supported Prop 8 and I think the Latino vote helped sway it. I don’t see religion going away in this country in the next 4-8 years. I think we will take a large step toward socialism though.
Regarding Obama ruling like Hitler: Please. The extermination of 6 million individuals based on a religious and cultural difference. The only real argument for this happening is Obama’s alleged call for a national police force. I have found no evidence that he actually said this. No one in cyberspace can supply the source of this rumor. For anyone out there under the assumption that this is a new concept, open your eyes. We have had a national police force for 73 years. Hello the FBI. They are a police force that is not bound by the jurisdictional restrains of a city, county, or state.
After reading all this you probably think I voted for Obama. False. I oppose him on almost every level. I think this country is heading for a major financial downturn that will only be exacerbated by the policies of Barack Obama. My argument today is one of hope. Now is the time for people to prepare for an uncertain future not a time to panic. We have certainly seen our fair share of poor presidents in this country, but despite the odds America perseveres. I firmly believe that America is still a beacon of freedom to the world. I think we will survive the reign of Obama. I hope that people don’t over react to Obama and begin to despair. Obama is not likely one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse. There is too much good left in this country to focus solely on the bad. Anyways, I am interested in hearing what people think of all this.