Well this week found the Carter household doing a variety of things in a variety of places. The week started off by me taking my National board exam on Monday and Tuesday. Then on Wednesday I took my regional licensing exam. They all went pretty well and I feel like I passed. Hopefully I will get the results back this week. Other happenings included my hunting experience on Saturday. After being shut out twice last week I finally shot a deer on Saturday, which also happened to be the last day of the season. It was only a doe but at least we will be able to put some meat in the freezer.

Now dad, you're not allowed to laugh. This is whitetail country. Not everyone can be so lucky to find huge mule deer laying on the sides of mountains.
After the big hunt I cleaned up and then we went to our ward Christmas party. It was pretty fun and the kids were able to see Santa.

In other news...our kids never cease to entertain us with their logic. Madison told me yesterday that the reason I used to wear glasses is because I didn't eat enough carrots when I was a kid. "Only people that don't eat their carrots have to where glasses, dad. Mr. V in my school doesn't even like carrots and he has glasses." On another occasion I was wearing a shirt and tie to school instead of my usual blue scrubs. Preston made the comment,
"Dad everyone is going to make fun of you today."
"Oh yeah, Preston, why is that?"
"Because you are wearing the wrong clothes to school."
Preston apparently only associates shirt and tie with church. When I got home he asked me, "So dad, did everyone make fun of you?" We kind of laughed about it but then when we thought about it more we tried to think of how he would even know about people making fun of others. It is amazing what these little kids pick up on. Well that is our week.