Well here are the long awaited pictures of my practice. It has been a very long process of getting this thing up and running but, it has finally all come together. It is an incredible relief to have reached this milestone. I was able to see my first patients on the 23rd of December and then we saw patients on the 30th and 31st. I have been impressed how many calls we have had. We are in a Kroger shopping center that is the largest (sq. ft) in the southeast 8 states. It is the 4th largest for revenue in the southeast 8 states. And the gas station is the 2nd largest for total sales in the entire country. That includes all their stores like Smiths in Utah. It is an impressive shopping center and the traffic is unbelievable. It wasn't the cheapest space but, the extra premium that we paid for the space will come back to us in the amount of traffic in the shopping center. All in all we are totally excited and look forward to being business owners.
Well without further ado, the pictures.
The Store Front
The Waiting Room
With the tray ceiling.
The Front Desk
The Lab
The Sterilization
The Operatories (I built three ops but plumbed for 5. When we get busier I will finish the other 2)
Central corridor and patient bathroom.
Staff Break room and my office (not too big but not too bad)