First of all, Jackson became a bigger boy a few weeks ago. We finally ran out of excuses (and money for diapers) and decided to potty train the kid. He's so cute in his little underwears and is extremely proud of himself. In fact, a funny story: One day, I was in the shower and he comes running in with his little bowl to his potty shouting, "I did it, I did it!" Sure enough in the the bowl is little poops. Before I can stop him he dumps the poops into the bathtub (I wonder if that's what he really thinks that was the same as dumping in the toilet, or if he just wanted to get a reaction out of me) and runs from the bathroom, still super excited. Of course, I hurry to get out of the shower so that I can wipe his bum before he sits on anything. (You mothers can already see what's coming, right?) When I get out into my bedroom the first thing I see is a piece of poop in the middle of the floor . . . great. I walk out the door into the kitchen . . . another poop. I follow this trail all the way to the living room where Jackson is trying to put his potty back together. Aahhh, what a typical two-year-old. He tries so hard to help out and ends up making a bigger mess for Mommy to clean up. 

The next thing going on at the Carter household is that Garrett (that's our baby that you may have read about. Yeah, he still alive and well) is growing fast. The kids have really loved having him around and want to include him in many of their activities. Games, reading, singing, dancing . . . you name it. Anyway, here's just a couple of cute shots of the kids getting their own "Garrett time."

Jackson calls Garrett anything from "Gawett" to "Gary" or "Garo".
Me, I prefer "Gar Bear." And guess what I found out awhile ago? A lot of people that name their kids Garrett end up calling them "Rhett" for a nickname! That awesome, huh?! I may get a Southern Scallywag after all!
Preston looks like such a grown up just casually reading while holding Garrett. How funny. Hey, don't you want us to come and visit you? Cause we've kinda been talking about coming to Atlanta to see you guys. I think it's about a 7 hour drive. Maybe less, I'm not sure... but wouldn't that be so fun???!!
LOL - great potty training story. Wanna come potty train Chandler? We're going on 3 1/2 and....NOTHING.
What a funny story. Who knew that motherhood would involve so much interaction with poop. Sad... but true. Congrats on the potty training though. What a relief.
I do think that Garret and Wes look very similar. I can not believe how big Jackson looks!
I can't believe how grown up everyone looks!!!! Jackson looks like he's grown the most. They sure are cute!! We hope things are going well for you guys!
Way to go Ames! Wow! Katelyn only wants to go potty for Nate. Apparantly she thinks I need to change her diaper...
I love Rhett for a nickname! Super cute and totally fitting for your little darling!
I'm doing the "Poo Poo in the Potty" dance right now! Shake it, Granny!
Remind me to tell you a story about Amie when I was a new mom and she was just a few months old. All moms get their poop time.
Love you!!!!!
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