Well we are now a family of 6. We have officially outgrown your typical 4 door sedan. Garrett Mont Carter was born this last Thursday @ 12:30 PM. Amy was induced @ 8:30 am and four hour later it was all over. He weighed in at 7 lbs 12 oz. He was the smallest of our babies. Maddy was 8.0, Preston was 8.8, and Jackson was 9.9. So little Garrett is the runt so far. He was 20 1/2 inches and so he was long and skinny.

You can see from the pics that he has little chicken legs. Anyways, Amy came home on Saturday and everyone seems to be recovering normally. It is such a blessing to these little miracles in our home.
Congratulations! I was mad Cody didn't get any details from you when he called yesterday. He's a cutie and I'm glad for Amy's sake that he was the smallest baby!
congratulations!! Wow...a family of six!! Now there's something I'll put off thinking about for a few more months at least! What a cute little boy! Well done!
Congrats... He is beautiful! Merry Christmas to you guys!
FABulous! Adorable! Poor Maddy with all those brothers...!! Seriously, such great blessings.
Congrats! What a great Christmas present. You two make such wonderful parents. So glad Amy's labor went well and he is here well and healthy! Welcome to the world Garrett!
Congratulations. We are very happy for your family!
Yeah!!! Congrats. A family of 6!! Wow!!
CONGRATS!!! I love the name... your other three end in "son" and then you have Garrett. What a wonderful gift intime for Christmas.
Yeah, Congrats guys! What a great early presetn...we share the same birthday!
Happy Birthday to ME!!! Thanks for thinking of me on my birthday Y'all. I knew I held a special place in y'alls hearts.
Most importantly though (aside from me) is Happy Birthday to Garrett. I think that y'all are just freaking awesome and I'm happy to hear that everything went well for everyone.
Love you guys, and thanks again for thinking of me on my Birthday. :)
Congrats you guys! We are glad that everything went well. He is a cutie. I think he looks a lot like Preston.
what a sweet little baby. happy to hear mom and baby are well. wish we could squish him.
Congratulations! I'm glad you are doing well. Good luck getting much needed rest!
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